Poster Alliance SF
 Climate Change
 Social Justice and Equi
 Political Tshirts - Xavier Viramontes
 Political Tshirts - Marti McKee


These posters are created in response to the current political situation.  They represent a revival of the 60’s political posters.  Xavier Viramontes, Marti McKee Margie Burke, design and hand-print these original silkscreen posters to be given away at marches and rallies.  The posters and t-shirts are available on line for sale.  Proceeds help to pay for ink, paper and processing so we can continue to give posters away at political events.

Xavier and Marti are long time Bay Area printmakers.  Xavier started his political activities early in his career.  One of his original political posters, “Boycott Grapes” hangs in the Smithsonian Museum today.

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If you are interested in learning more about the artist, please contact:
Poster Alliance SF
Phone: 415.850.8300
Email: click here
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